Pneumonia is a potentially fatal lung infection caused by viruses or bacteria. The majority of pediatric pneumonia cases are caused by viruses. The illness can range from mild to severe.
If your child has bacterial pneumonia, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. Antibiotics have no effect on viral pneumonia. Antiviral medication may be used in these cases.
Rest, over-the-counter pain relievers, nutritious foods, and plenty of fluids will aid your child’s recovery at home. Mild pneumonia usually clears up in 2 to 3 weeks. A severe case of pneumonia may require your child to be hospitalized for 6 to 8 weeks or longer.
Here are a few thing you can do if your child is being treated at home for pneumonia.
Complete the medicine course
Just the way your body develops immunity when exposed to weak germs, the bacteria present in your body also learn fighting against the killing agents or medicines. If you expose the bacteria to an antibiotic, at first it may work on the greater number. But there can be a few bacteria’s left in the body which act on, after you stop taking the medicines.
If your doctor has prescribed antibiotics for your child, follow the directions exactly. Stop using them just because your child is feeling better. Your child must complete the entire course of antibiotics.
Handle the quantity of medicine with care
Use caution when taking cough and cold medications. Don’t give them to children under the age of six because they don’t work and can even be harmful. Always carefully follow all instructions for children aged 6 and up. Make certain you understand how much medicine to administer and how long to administer it for. Also, if one is provided, use the dosing device.
Double the fluid intake of your child
Your child’s mouth might feel extremely dry. When your child is crying, he or she may have sunken eyes and shed few tears. Your child may be tired and want to be held constantly. Your child might not urinate as frequently as usual.
Make sure your child drinks plenty of fluids. If your child is vomiting or has diarrhea, this is critical. Allow your child to sip water or drinks like Pedialyte or Gastrolyte. These beverages contain a combination of salt, sugar, and minerals. They are available at drugstores and supermarkets. Give these drinks to your child as long as he or she is vomiting or has diarrhea. They should not be used as your sole source of liquids or food for more than 12 to 24 hours.
Keep the air around your child clean
Since pneumonia is a disease related directly to your respiratory track, it is essential to make sure that your child is breathing fresh and clean air. You can use devices such as humidifiers to make it easier for your kid to breathe. Other than this, use nebulizers and lubricating food to enable the little one swallow things easily due to the sour throat.
Avoid using any aerosols and smoke devices
Avoid using any air fresheners or perfumes around your kid since they can be irritating. Keep your child away from cigarette smoke as well. Do not smoke or permit others to smoke in your home. If you need assistance quitting, speak with your doctor about smoking cessation programmers and medications. These can increase your chances of successfully quitting smoking.
Protect everyone around
Make certain that everyone in your household washes their hands several times per day. This will aid in the prevention of the spread of viruses and bacteria. All this need to be done, in order to protect everyone from catching the bacterial infection.
Consult a doctor
If you sense any changes in the breathing pattern or over all condition of your child suffering from pneumonia, immediately consult a pulmonologist. He or she might run all the necessary tests including chest X-ray and CT scan etc.
If you are looking for a pulmonologist in Lahore, check out Oladoc. It is the one source for reaching out the best doctors across the nation.