Good for you if you’re looking for a cheap good web hosting provider like ONOHOSTING! That means you know the need for one and understand the significance of having a good and dependable hosting provider. Still, you may be perplexed about what good hosting entails, so let’s clear that up first.
To summarise, what good hosting entails depends entirely on your company’s needs and requirements.
Difference between Linux and Windows Hosting
1. Reliability
Each site proprietor believes that their site should be operational at all times. This is not surprising; after all the effort to attract new visitors, keep them engaged, and return, no one wants to see them leave due to a mistake made by a third party. And if your website is frequently down, and they see “The page cannot be found” more regularly than your site and conversion-optimized content, that is precisely what they will do.
When it comes to the role of hosting in this case, it all comes down to the maintenance and updating required to keep the servers running at total capacity. Your site will be unavailable whenever the server requires new hardware or a reboot. As a result, this is an essential factor to consider when deciding between Linux and Windows servers.
To be more specific, Linux has less downtime, making it the clear winner in this category. Linux itself does not necessitate the upgrade of almost any hardware, and it does not require a reboot to install new software. You can easily find Linux servers that haven’t been restarted since day one, which isn’t the case with Windows. Windows is notorious for having difficulty handling larger tasks and necessitating periodic reboots.
2. Usability
As previously stated, configuring your servers should not be a difficult or time-consuming task. The configuration is supposed to be simple, and if you have the necessary experience, you shouldn’t have any trouble working with both. If you have an experienced team member on your team, they could also solve this problem.
If you aren’t, and you don’t have a system administrator on speed dial, you should think about going with Windows servers. While many cheap web hosting providers offer setup assistance, you might want to go the most straightforward route.
In this regard, the Windows server is preferable because it is much easier to set up. Compared to their Linux counterparts, Windows servers have a better and more user-friendly interface. You can configure everything with it and just a few mouse clicks. On the other hand, you may have to give up some valuable time to figure out Linux. It has a steep learning curve because you have more options for the graphical user interface that you can use to set up the server.
3. Safety
Every project requires security, and your cheap web hosting provider should be able to provide you with as many firewalls and other security tools as possible. You don’t want your website to be hacked, and you certainly don’t want your company to be the victim of a DDoS attack. These can be pretty expensive, causing many businesses to close down.
It is safe to say that the battle between Linux and Windows is a tie. Both of these are equally effective at repelling attacks and protecting your website. The main distinction is that Linux is open-source, whereas Windows is an enterprise option.
Security issues are resolved relatively quickly because of the many developers who contribute to Linux’s code. On the other hand, Windows handles this through patches and service packs. Those who are more concerned about security, on the other hand, believe that these are not timely enough. While it may be untimely, they still handle and repel the majority of the attacks.
4. Technologies that are supported
The compatibility of your hosting provider with the technology stack used by your project is probably the most critical aspect of choosing a hosting provider. Make sure to consult with your development team first, as saving a few dollars on Linux hosting (more on this later) instead of going with a Windows server because you have some legacy code on it may end up costing you much more in the long run.
These options provide a wide range of languages and tools that they support. MySQL and PHP are primarily compatible with Linux. This means that it will support scripts like WordPress, Zen Cart, and phpBB. Because Windows is, by definition, Windows-specific, you can rely on it to handle ASP,.NET, MSSQL, and Microsoft Access.
Overall, discuss with your developers. Check to see what they expect from their hosting provider. If you are a business owner or a one-person band, stay realistic and ensure that your final choice of a cheap web hosting provider does not cause more problems than solutions.
5. Costing
While this shouldn’t be a significant consideration when choosing a cheap web hosting provider, it usually is. When selecting a hosting provider, the only parameter you have is to choose the right package that fits your budget and the needs of your project.
When comparing the differences between Linux and Windows in this regard, it is easy to see why Linux is gaining popularity. The fact that you can find completely free Linux hosting does not happen very often with Windows. Windows is all about licenses, and this cost should not be overlooked.
So, if you or your team don’t have a preference, you’ll do better with Linux. However, if you are attempting to save money and your team has specific requirements, this saving maybe even more costly.
So, with all of these critical differences in mind, deciding between Linux and Windows may be more accessible. If you reject one or both, your list of potential candidates will be much shorter, and you will be able to concentrate on other essential aspects of a hosting provider that you require.